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Holidays in Marlengo
Marlengo is located westerly of Merano at the foot of
the Marlinger Berg just were the Passer river flows into the Etsch river.
From there is a beautiful view over
Merano, into the Etsch Valley and to
the Sarntaler Alps.
Above Marlengo is the Vigiljoch, which is a part of the
Marteller ridge of the Ortler Alps and a popular destination for
excursions. Along the hillside runs also the
well known Marlinger Waalweg from Lana to Töll.
The old parish church of Marlengo was
first mentioned in records in 1166. However it is not
preserved entirly and the existing parts are now used as chapel
and vestry. Well worth seeing is also the new
parish church "Assumption Day", which was
inaugurated in 1901, with its church bell "Annamaria" from 1847.
Sight Seeing in Merano
The sights in Merano are well worth seeing: from middle
age buildings in the Old Town, museums and the
botanical garden to the Kurhaus of Merano
with the gorgeously decorated promenades.