Location of Merano in South Tyrol

Location of Merano

Merano lies within the heart of the alps in South Tyrol in Italy. It is situated within a basin at the end of the Vinschgau (the valley of the river Etsch) between the Sarntaler Alps and the Texelgroup.

Merano belongs to the poltical district Burggrafenamt. The region around Merano and the villages Lana, Schenna, Dorf Tirol, Algund und Partschins is called the Meraner Land.

Although its peaceful, unique and beautiful position in the alps, Merano is easily and fast accessible. The next bigger city nearby is Bozen, which is the captial of South Tyrol and an important traffic junction. The distance to Bozen is only 27 km.

Map of South Tyrol with main traffic routes and the location of Merano.

Distances to Merano

  • Bozen 27km
  • Innsbruck 147 km
  • Munich 327 km
  • Salzburg 347 km
  • Zurich 400 km
  • Verona 190 km
  • Venice 250 km
  • Milano 300 km
  • Rome 700 km

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Well being at the Thermal baths of Merano

Enjoy the warm thermal water and relax at the Thermal Baths of Merano. The indoor and outdoor pools, the spa area with various saunas and the large spa gardens offer everything to relax and recreate.