Directions to Merano by car
The easiest way for the journey to Merano is the Brennerautobahn (A22). From the north accross Innsbruck-Brenner-Bozen, from the south over Verona-Bozen. The best exit from the freeway is called Bozen / Bolzano. From there one can reach Merano over the freeway "MeBo" in about 25 minutes.
If you are coming from Switzerland it is best to drive via Austria over the Reschenpaß and then continue through the Vinschgau (Etsch Valley) to Merano.
Even without a car one is able to travel easily throughout the Meranerland. Merano has a fully developed public transport system system. So you can choose to leave your car at home or at the hotel and travel around the Meranerland by bus.
Journey to Merano by train

Travellers coming from Switzerland to Merano can also travel by postbus and train using the Vinschgerbahn from Mals in Vinschgau to Merano.
From Germany or Austria you can use IC or EC trains over Munich, Innsbruck and Brenner to Bozen. From Bozen you can take a train or bus, which take you to Merano in about 40 minutes.
Several hotels also offer transportation services directly to the hotel.
Directions to Merano by bus or taxi
For those who travel by train, there is the possibility to continue the journey from Bozen (where all trains stop) with local bus lines or with a taxi.
The bus trip from Bozen to Merano takes about 40 minutes.
Journey to Merano by airplane
The closest airports to Merano are in Bozen/Bolzano, Innsbruck, Verona, Munich and Zurich.